
Rotary Unions and Joints – Bearings – Protective Roll Covers – Nip Impression Paper and MORE

​Rotary Unions and Joints – In addition to selling many of the top brands we are able to ensure your heat transfer and chill rollers are using the correct size and type of union to maximize heating/cooling and flow efficiencies. 

Bearings – In a similar fashion as the rotary unions and joints, we can spec the correct bearings for your application. We can install the bearings and races as necessary as well.

Protective Roller Covers – Protecting your capital equipment is critical. Don’t throw money away because of unnecessary damage to your roller during transportation and installation. Protective roll covers generally cost a fraction of the price to coat/cover your industrial roller(s) with chrome, rubber, thermal spray, Teflon, etc. Ours are custom made and range in features from thin to extra-thick padding, with or without edge protection, and specialty text marking on each protective cover. 

Nip Impression Paper – Carbon Nip Impression Paper will show if your nip is uniform and if your rollers are positioned correctly within your line. In addition, it will show if any crowning is needed; or if perhaps the current crown on your rollers is incorrect. Improperly aligned, uneven, and non-uniform nips cause tremendous waste and web issues like wrinkles, breaks, and even unwanted vibrations